Packing Tapes & Materials
As a member of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, we assure
you that kraft paper-based tapes are excluded from EPR purview.
This also extends to say that AIPL Green tapes are welcomed

One of the major problems of the world today is waste management.
And so, brands and businesses across the globe are suffering backlash from their customers, stakeholders, social organizations, and even governments & regimes. This backlash is now manifesting itself in global & domestic laws and trade sanctions.
To say, nearly 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced every year. The packaging industry alone produces 141 million tons of plastic waste which accounts for 47% of the total plastic waste, also out of the 380 million tons of plastic produced per year, 146 million tons are produced by the packaging industry, which again is roughly 38% of the total production. And too much dependency on plastic for secondary packaging is the key to these rising numbers. Hence transformation here becomes more essential
than anywhere else.
Essentially, by transforming the packaging industry, 40-50% of plastic waste can be reduced before it begins.
Since all the industry infrastructure & systems are built around these practices, it becomes almost impossible for us to just go ahead and revolutionize them.
This leaves us with one viable option. To make the industry switch to a material compatible with existing systems that have similar form, function, and benefits & are sustainable, bio-compostable, or in the least recyclable.
AIPL cannot bring about this change alone. This is why we are connected with customers, organizations, NGOs, Governments, media, policymakers, and influences across industries. We work with them towards bringing sustainable change in ways that make it easier for the world to adapt. With strategic solutions that ensure economical viabilities, transactional security & easy adaptability, we along with our partners, have already put things in motion.
With feedback and research collaborations with our partners, our research and development teams are consistently improvising the existing range and exploring solutions for gaps that are yet to be filled.
The time to act is now. With the current crisis, it is clear that inaction today with be devastating to the future. We cannot let things go as they were, so we invite you to join Mission Green, a movement to transform the packaging industry from being heavily reliant on plastics to using sustainable materials like craft paper or recyclable polymers.
To eliminate all unnecessary plastic items
Viable & practical solutions to replace existing necessary plastic application
Ensure that all the plastic in the system gets recycled to stationary, long-life application objects
As a member of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, we assure you that kraft paper-based tapes are excluded from EPR purview. This also extends to say that AIPL Green tapes are welcomed in nations that have completely banned single-use plastic like UK & Kenya as opposed to their plastic counterparts.
Wrap your product with eco-friendly layer of protection with AIPL dunnage paper...
Ajit Industries Private Limited (AIPL) is one of the pioneers in India engaged in manufacturing and marketing of various types of Pressure Sensitive Self Adhesive Industrial tapes and Die-Cuts. Incorporated in the year 1998, we started with a vision to be the leader in the category and today after 25 years of growth, innovation & specialization, we are proud to hold the place of pride in the industry.